Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How Disabled Are Canadians

Participation and Activity Limitation Survey

An estimated 4.4 million Canadians - one out of every seven in the population - reported having a disability in 2006, an increase of over three-quarters of a million people in five years, according to a new report.

The report was based on data from the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS). Data showed that the number of people who reported a disability increased 21.2% from 3.6 million in 2001, the last time the survey was conducted.

In 2001, 12.4% of the population reported a disability. By 2006, this rate had increased to 14.3%.

The report suggested that one factor in the increase was the aging of the population, but that this played only a partial role. Another factor may have been increased social acceptance of the reporting of disabilities.

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Rick Kaselj -

Healing Through Movement -

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