Friday, September 18, 2009

Even My Exercise Rehabilitation Client's Need a Little Personal Training

Clients that come to see me, often times have some sort of injury they would like to manage or overcome.

Even if they are seeing me for exercise rehabilitation, they often are looking for some exercises to help them get the body they dream of.

It can be a challenge to help someone with a back problem lose weight. The thing is, if they do lose some weight; it will help them with their back problem.

Many times with women, what they will ask me about are butt exercises.

I always feel a little uncomfortable talking about butt exercises so I often change the word in my mind to gluteus maximus exercises.

If the primary reason the person has come to me is an injury but they would also like to work on their gluteus maximus, often times working on their gluteus maximus will help with the injury that they have come to see me for.

Strengthening a client’s gluteus maximus will help them recover from:

- Low back injury
- ACL injuries
- Ankle sprains
- Postural disorders
- Hamstring pulls
- Shoulder injuries (Yes, shoulder injuries. Work your gluteus maximus/butt and improve your shoulder injury.)

One of the books that I wrote on gluteus maximus exercises; I have updated and converted to an e-book. If you are looking for some gluteus maximus exercises that will help your client get the butt they want but help them over come their injury, I would recommend it.

If you order the e-book before Monday or are one of the first 11, I will also throw in a second e-book that I have written called 7 Core Stability Exercises for a Strong Back.

To order:

- The Most Effective Gluteus Maximus Exercises ebook
- 7 Core Stability Exercises for a Strong Back ebook

for only $9.95, visit:


P.S. – The Most Effective Gluteus Maximus Exercise and 7 Core Stability Exercises for a Strong Back sell for $39.90 but if you are one of the first 11, you can get both e-books for $9.95, visit:


Rick Kaselj, MS

Rick Kaselj –
Registered Kinesiologist Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation
Surrey, BC, Canada
Get your “5 Myths about Core Training” Special Report –

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