Monday, August 16, 2010

Fitness and Injury Trends

I met up with a friend and we chatted about the fitness industry and injuries, check it out:

==> Fitness and Injury Trends

In the interview we talk about:

- Which fitness trends have increased my post injury personal training business
- The percentage of people that are not ready for a fitness program
- A new trend in the fitness industry to help your clients prevent injuries
- Importance of adding an apple a day exercise to keep injuries away
- Learning never ends when you want to be the best fitness professional you can

==> Fitness and Injury Trends

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. - I am putting together details on my fall presentations for you. Like the presentation
by Mike Robertson, who is one of the creators of Muscle Imbalances Revealed. I have
details up on his courses, right here:

==> Mike Robertson Seminar

Rick Kaselj –
Registered Kinesiologist Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation
Surrey, BC, CanadaGet your “5 Myths about Core Training”
Special Report –

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