Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rotator Cuff of the Hip?

I was at a seminar last weekend and the topic of the rotator cuff of the hip was brought up:

==> Rotator Cuff of the Hip <== Have You Heard of This?

I had heard of the concept of rotator cuff of the hip way back in the 90s but have not

heard much talk about it since. I started digging in the research to see what was new

with it.

What I found even challenges some of the stuff I was taught last weekend.

Few things I found out:

- there are 3 sets of fibers while most talk about 2
- came across a great image of what a tear of the rotator cuff of the hip looks like
- discovered what roll the rotator cuff of the hip has during hip abduction

You can check out what I have found:

==> Rotator Cuff of the Hip <== Interesting

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. - If you are interested in the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program,

you can save 20% off the program (Ends Friday).

==> Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program <== SAVE 20%

Rick Kaselj –
Registered Kinesiologist Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation
Surrey, BC, CanadaGet your “5 Myths about Core Training” Special Report –

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