Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fitness & Rehab Newsletter

Fitness & Rehab Newsletter

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Reader Rate Ending October 1, 2007

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Fitness & Rehab Conference

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Pre-Conference Courses - Saturday, November 17, 2007
Building a Profitable & Prosperous Business in Post-Rehabilitation with Tara Keller

With an aging and active population, specialists in post-rehabilitation are in demand more than ever. Learn how to establish a prosperous business in this demanding market through successful networking strategies that will generate a profitable return while providing you endless reward in your field of work. Participants will leave this workshop with a full portfolio of tools needed to immediately generate an increase in referrals within the post-rehab industry.

The Joint Replacement Client: Pre & Post-Op Exercise Guidelines with Jody Kennett

This day long joint replacement course is designed to help exercise specialists understand the complexities of joint replacements and to focus on the specific goals of both pre and post operative exercise selection. The course will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to create safe and effective exercise programs. You will be provided with a comprehensive manual that details all aspects of joint replacements from the surgical procedure to exercise programming to creating your own class.

Session 1 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am – Sunday, November 18, 2007
Become an Expert in Managing Client Weight Loss, Weight Gain & Bone Density Using the New Body Composition “Gold Standard” Technology with Tara Keller, Peter Schwagly and Ruth Foster

It is common for body composition testing to be performed using bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) and anthropometrics (skinfold tests), however these tests not only leave a standard error margin of 4-5% but additionally, anthropometrics are reported as an invalid predictor of percent body fat and BIA a poor measure as it is affected by body hydration status, body temperature, time of day and does not take into account the location of body fat. Now your clients can access the one test proven as the “Gold Standard” for its precision, accuracy and reliability that no other test can match: DXA Scans – exact measurements in fat tissue mass, fat-free soft (lean) mass and total body mineral (from bones) used by all of the top researchers in body composition.

How the Alexander Technique Can Help You Exercise Better? with Carrie Wood

We will look at the principles of the Alexander Technique and how it helps with daily movements as well as exercises. We will look at 4 common exercises that trainers and instructors use and how you can teach them better. We will cover movement patterns for trainers to look for and how to address them for better functional training. Educating that movement with less stress and tension is better for the joints and their mobility.

Session 2 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm – Sunday, November 18, 2007
Neuromuscular Training and ACL Injury Prevention with Jessica Owen

This workshop will provide a general overview of non-contact ACL injuries, including a review of basic knee anatomy, risk factors for these particular injuries and why preventative measures are needed. It will then summarize the current literature investigating neuromuscular training techniques in the prevention of ACL injuries. There will then be some time for practical application of some of these techniques with training routines.

Inspiring Healing with Touch with Coral-Lei Schweigert

Increase your awareness of the client’s needs in healing and eliminating pain. Understand how to spot muscle tension, muscle spasms and how to apply simple daily techniques that can provide immediate pain relief. Learn about trigger points and referred pain and how tense muscles can prevent the muscles ability to stretch. Experience hands on relief of pain by partnering up. Recognize that the majority of back and leg pain can be relieved by releasing trigger points in the gluteal region (specifically the piriformis).

Session 3 – 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Sunday, November 18, 2007
Biomechanical Limitations in the Female Athlete: Game-Ready/Rehab Applications for Post-op ACL Injuries with Carmen Bott

Retrospective research has shown that female athletes are 4-6 times more at risk for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears than their male counterparts who play the same sports at an equivalent level (Myer et al 2004). Neuromuscular training is the greatest contributor to dynamic knee stability and offers the greatest potential for intervention and prevention (Myers et al 2004). Female athletes benefit from neuromuscular training because they often display lower baseline levels of strength and power as compared to males. Training programs can be designed to reduce gender-related differences in force absorption, improve joint stabilization and correct muscle imbalances.

Balance Bodies for Improved Performance and Injury Prevention with Alfred Ball

Many clients come to you with postural faults that put them at risk for injury during specific exercises. Our clients’ bodies have become imbalanced through work, daily activities and sports. Some muscles may be short and strong, weak and long or short and contracted. Imbalanced muscles work harder and fatigue faster. Is a ‘tight’ feeling muscle actually short? Too often we choose exercises, stretches and activities that make these imbalances even worse.

Session 4 – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm – Sunday, November 18, 2007
Fall Prevention: Theory and Practice with Chaco Chiswell

Falls are the leading cause of injury among people 65 years and older, and the second leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations for all ages. The good news is the risks of falls can be reduced up to 50% with a proper falls prevention program. Find out the risks and what you can do about it!

Analysis of Bellydance Movements using Motion Capture and Electromyography with Marilee Nugent

This workshop will provide insight into the types of joint actions, ranges of motion and target muscle usage in typical bellydance movements. This information should provide ideas on fitness benefits and risks of bellydance.

Data shows the capability and flexibility of the human motor system in both left-right and segmental separation of function within muscles such as the erector spinae and rectus abdominus.

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Feel free to forward this newsletter to your colleagues and friends.

Newsletter written and published by Rick Kaselj -

About Rick Kaselj

Rick Kaselj is a Registered Kinesiologist and ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a passion for exercise therapy. Rick designs effective exercise programs that safely and rapidly helps one recover from injury, medical conditions and musculoskeletal pain. Rick presents courses on exercise therapy across Canada and publishes a monthly [FITNESS & REHAB] newsletter for health and fitness professionals looking for the latest information on improving health, fitness, rehabilitation and sport. To reach Rick or to subscribe to his monthly newsletter, call (604) 532-5248 or visit .
copyright © Rick Kaselj and Healing Through Movement - Langley, British Columbia, Canada

[FITNESS & REHAB] - monthly newsletter for health and fitness professionals looking for the latest information on improving health, fitness, rehabilitation and sport.

[HEALTH, FITNESS & TRAVEL] - monthly newsletter for people with a passion for health, fitness and travel.

W - (604) 532-5248 F - (604) 677-5425

Serving Langley - Surrey - Abbotsford , BC , Canada since 2002

Rick Kaselj -

Healing Through Movement
Fitness & Rehabilitation / Presentations & Publications

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