Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I need a Personal Trainer in Vancouver (and Save $50)

I have a bunch of things today.

Save $50 on Mike Robertson Course

I am hosting Mike Robertson on December 11 & 12 in Vancouver.

He is presenting a 16 hours course on Bulletproofing Your Clients' Knees & Lower Back.

I have been reading Mike's stuff on knees and backs for years so I am very excited to be having
him share all of his assessment and exercise tips.

Since you are a subscriber EFI, I am offering you a $50 discount on the course.

The big thing is the discount ENDS TODAY.

Go here:

==> Back and Knee Course with Mike Robertson <---- Save $50 ENDS TODAY!

Enter coupon code: MR2

Looking for a Personal Trainer in Vancouver

I have had three people contact me for post injury personal training this week and I have had to hand them off to other trainers since I am booked up until November. I am looking at putting together a list of personal trainers, strength coaches and Kinesiologists in the Greater Vancouver that I can send clients to.

If you are interested in more client go to this link:

==> Need a Personal Trainer in Vancouver <---- Do you need some clients?

Following the instructions and put your reply in the comment area.

Interview with Kevin Yates

This afternoon I am doing a phone interview with Kevin Yates.

Kevin did two presentations for Muscle Imbalances Revealed program:

- Component #4 – Identifying Muscular Imbalances in the Lower Body
- Component #5 – Addressing Muscular Imbalances in the Lower Body

Let me know if you have any questions from his presentation so I can ask him.

You can send them to rick@exercisesforinjuries.com

If you do not have MIR, get it here:

==> Muscle Imbalances Revealed

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. - If you register TODAY, for the Mike Robertson Knee and Lower Back course on
December 11 & 12 in Vancouver you can save an extra $50.

Go here:

==> Back and Knee Course with Mike Robertson <---- Save $50 ENDS TODAY!

Enter coupon code: MR2

Rick Kaselj – rkaselj@HealingThroughMovement.com
Registered Kinesiologist Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation
Surrey, BC, Canada
Get your “5 Myths about Core Training” Special Report – www.CoreStabilityoftheBack.com-------------------------------------------------------

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