Friday, July 31, 2009

Trigger Point Course for Fitness Professionals

I am realy excited to announce two Trigger Point courses with Bill Huhn.

We have finalized the dates for both courses on September 26 & 27.

I know this a long ways away but I have been getting a number of phone calls and e-mails asking when these courses are.

Here is more information on the courses:

Understanding Trigger Points to Overcome Pain with William N. Huhn

HANDS-ON: Trigger Point for Lumbar, Hips, Buttocks and Groin Issues with William N. Huhn

Please note that both courses are limited to 20 people. As of right now, I have 6 people registered for each of the courses.

I would encourage you to register early, in the past these courses have sold out.

P.S. - Remember to follow me on Facebook and get more resources on exercises and injuries -

- Rick Kaselj, MS

Rick Kaselj –
Registered Kinesiologist Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation
Surrey, BC, Canada
Get your “5 Myths about Core Training” Special Report –

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